End of Key Stage 2 Outcomes 2022/2023


The following percentage of Year 6 pupils achieved the age-related Expected Standard or above in Key Stage 2 assessments in 2022/2023:

Reading = 37% (National = 73%)

Writing = 37% (National = 72%)

Maths = 51% (National = 73%)

Reading, Writing and Maths combined = 31% (National = 59%)


The following percentage of Year 6 pupils achieved Greater Depth attainment in Key Stage 2 assessments in 2022/2023:

Reading = 8% (National = 29%)

Writing = 0% (National = 13%)

Maths = 2% (National = 24%)


Our average scaled scores for Year 6 in 2022/2023 are:

Reading = 97.9

Maths = 98.0


Our Key Stage 2 progress scores for 2022/2023 are:

Reading = -4.21

Writing = -3.09

Maths = -1.86


More information about our school’s performance data can be found on the School and College Performance Measures website below.

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