"We are very happy with the school thanks to its concentration on pupil wellbeing and happiness - our children want to learn."

Parent/Carer, July 2023

Physical Education (PE)

Throughout the year all classes will have PE once or twice a week.  Our teams participate regularly in local school sports leagues and tournaments and have links with outside clubs and organisations including York City Football Club, York City Knights and York Sports Club.

Please ensure that children have their PE kit in school every day and that all items of PE kit are clearly marked with your child’s name.

  • PE kit should be practical and warm and trainers are preferred to plimsolls.
  • Black shorts and White T-Shirts should be used, as well as any tracksuits, leggings or hoodies.
  • Drawstring bag clearly labelled with child’s name are preferable to rucksacks due to space.

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