Religious Education (R.E.)

At Clifton Green Primary School, learning in Religious Education intends to ensure that children are able to understand and talk about the religious and non-religious worldviews that have shaped the local area of Clifton, York,  Great Britain and the world so that they are able to understand one another’s life choices and way of life. Therefore, they will be able to show tolerance and respect and an appreciate of diversity so that they will flourish as citizens. They will also be encouraged to ask questions and develop their own thinking in order to make sense of their own place in the world.

Within RE, children will follow the York Agreed Syllabus and Scheme of Work which allows for a progressive, balanced and broad curriculum and enables the development of substantive knowledge, ways of knowing and personal knowledge. It is a curriculum designed with a vast amount of substantive knowledge in the autumn term which is then used and developed later in the year in other units. Learning is introduced in one year group and then developed the next allowing for retention of knowledge.

We have developed links with York Schools and Youth Trust (YoYo), our local churches, Islam Learner Services and the local Mosque. We use collective worship to offer a reflective space for all children to develop their understanding and response to key themes and ideas.

To find out more about our how our R.E. curriculum progresses throughout school, please take a look at our overview documents below:

Coming soon…

Supporting learning at home

To help your child to develop their knowledge and skills in Religious Education outside of school, you might like to refer to the following websites:

Parental Right to Withdraw

 At Clifton Green Primary School, we believe that Religious Education (RE) plays an important role in promoting understanding, respect, and tolerance among different cultures and beliefs. However, we respect the right of parents and carers to withdraw their children from part or all of RE lessons if they wish.
 If you are considering withdrawing your child from RE, we kindly ask you to contact the school to discuss your decision and explore how we can support your preferences.

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