
Please do contact us to have a look around the school and meet one of the team. To arrange a visit, please contact the main office at 01904 936948 or email us at


Admissions to reception

Admissions to reception are dealt with by the City of York Council.

The deadline for applications is the 15th of January 2024. Applicants will be advised of their allocated school from ‘National Offer Day’, which is Tuesday the 16th of April 2024.

For further information on the Local Authority’s admissions policy, read the documents below or contact them directly using the details at the bottom of the page.

Admissions to our nursery

We have a 78-place nursery (39 in the morning and 39 in the afternoon) and provide up to 30 hours of education for nursery-aged children.

Please note that catchment areas do not apply for nursery admissions and that children are ranked in age order, oldest first, with some children, e.g. a child with a special educational need, being given priority.

If you would like your child to join our nursery please contact us and a member of our team will be in touch.

Admissions to school throughout the year

If you are moving into the area or you feel your child needs to move schools for some other reason, you should contact the Local Authority’s admission team.


Phone: 01904 551554



Our catchment area

Below is an image that displays our school’s catchment area:

"We are very happy with the school thanks to its concentration on pupil wellbeing and happiness - our children want to learn."

Parent/Carer, July 2023

Admissions consultation 2025-2026

In line with the School Admissions Code 2021, City of York Council held a coordinated admission consultation on behalf of schools within York and the School Admission Authorities. The consultation was open from 2 October 2023 to 12 November 2023. More details about this consultation can be found on the City of York Council website here.

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